Hugo Santana-Batista
5th year Undergraduate Student
He studies the development of a Serious Game for teenagers on the theme of self-injury.

Luíza Oliveira
5th year Undergraduate Student
She researches the subjective perception of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thayslane Ribeiro-Almeida
5th year Undergraduate Student
She investigates the relation between coping strategies and weight regain after bariatric surgery.

Beatriz Lima
4th year Undergraduate Student
She studies anxious symptoms of female population during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022-2023).

Beatriz Oliveira-Santos
4th year Undergraduate Student
Scholarship recipient CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) on undergraduate research program (2022-2023) with a work plan entitled “Women’s Profile with anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil”. Currently, she is a scholarship recipient COPES (Fundraising and Project Monitoring Division) in her second undergraduate research program (2023-2024), which aims to analyse a Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 (GAD-7) through Item Response Theory.

J. Wilton Santos
4th year Undergraduate Student
He studies the psychological impact caused by fear during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Júlia Cardoso
4th year Undergraduate Student
Scholarship recipient CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) on undergraduate research program (2022-2023) with a work plan entitled “Beliefs of women with and without anxious symptoms regarding Covid-19”. Scholarship recipient COPES (Fundraising and Project Monitoring Division) with a work plan entitled “Body dysmorphic disorder: a scope review'' (2021-2022).

Luiz F. Melo
4th year Undergraduate Student
Volunteer on undergraduate research program (2022-2023) with a work plan entitled “Percepion of Covid-19 Pandemic: worry differences between men and women”. Currently, he is a volunteer to undergraduate research program (2023-2024) which aims to analyse a Fear of Covid-19 Scale through Item Response Theory.

Maria Heloísa Souza
4th year Undergraduate Student
She is a scholarship recipient CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) in her second undergraduate research program (2023-2024), which aims to analyse a Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) through Item Response Theory.